Posts tagged “lego

Macro Monday::Week 9

I hope everyone’s weekend was fun and your Monday was pain free!

This past Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to teach the photography station at a local Cub Scouts Belt-loop Bonanza. The day was filled with boys learning everything from good manners and chess to basketball and soccer. I educated two groups on the parts of the camera and the benefits of photography in modern culture. Afterwards, we went outside to practice. The teaching part was fun, the kids learned so fast and were awesome with the technology, as everyone had a digital camera of some sort. I was excited and nervous to teach this station, one, given the age group and two, the relative expense of the common digital camera. It was hard to corral and structure picture taking with 10 or so boys, outside and wanting to go in their own direction. I couldn’t blame them though I tend to wander, not wear my neck strap and climp obstacles with my expensive camera. It is an exciting thing, to capture stills of everyday life. I made it out alive though and no one dropped their camera, plus there was plenty of sharing pictures with eachother. Overall, I enjoyed watching the boys learn and then practice and help eachother out. It was neat to see what they wanted to take pictures of as well. Mostly eachother, but I had a few willing to lay on the ground trying to get a leaf at a new angle, to be different and unique. A great experience!

In honor of the Scouts and to poke a little fun at us professional and hobbyist I have come up with this satirical image. I hope you enjoy!

Be Inspired. Live Boldly.